It was a good day. Finally got my butt onto the couch to meditate this morning, and even though it felt like it made the morning a little more crammed, it still felt really good. I need to figure out how to make that a daily thing. Of course, tomorrow will be challenging, as I have to shop before taking my car in for a service, but I think its worth getting up a little early for.
Spent the morning baking and making pasta and getting orders together for the North Bay run. Reassured a few folks that they didn’t need to hold off ordering (they were worried I had too much to do while Willi was gone) and assured them that I was holding down the fort. Willi prepared a lot of stuff before he left, so I am able to get orders out as usual. Order away!
Sent off a package to my dad… just a care package with some biscotti, a couple of books by Mary Roach, some drawing paper and pens and a couple of masks. His living situation has been on total lockdown for a couple months but recently started allowing short outdoor masked visits. Thought he should have some stylish masks to wear on the visiting days. He complains that it’s like being in prison… so I am trying to make it a little more enjoyable for him. I wish he was someplace that he liked….
Delivered to the West Marin folks… so good to be able to chat with Rebecca and Elisabeth and Gene. Such good old friends… I realized today while I was wrapping up the sourdough, that I got such good style/aesthetic inspiration when I was a teenager from Elisabeth. I worked for her in a little shop she owned for a while. Mostly a gift shop for kids clothes and some toys, and Elisabeth designed and built the clothes. I helped with customers but also got to cut fabric and learned a great deal. Feels good to be able to still be in touch and to do something to make this time better for her too.
After I finished deliveries, I went to the beach for a swim. That is the thing that makes me feel so grounded and relaxed. Tracy joined me today and we had a lovely chat as we floated in the glassy water. It was high tide and the lighting was just gorgeous. We talked of theatre and the state of the Bay Area theatre world, of friends who are recovering and friends who are struggling or dealing with health issues. Of good things and very bad things. Of things that make us laugh, and things that break our hearts. The combination of good conversation and salt water is a really restorative thing. I highly recommend it.
Up to my mom’s to bring sandwiches from IP and various things from my kitchen. We ate the sandwiches sitting 15’ apart in her living room. But at least we got to see one another. This whole thing is sooooooo wearying. I want to be able to hug my mom goodbye when I leave. And I KNOW she needs a hug too. Trying to remind myself that her safe and alive and well, is better than a hug. But it still sucks.
Busy day tomorrow, so I will sign off for now. Orders for Wednesday should be placed by tonight or tomorrow morning.
Meals on Heels at Oasis for Friday can be ordered at their site
I hope you enjoyed the day or found moments of gratitude. I hope you sleep well and take good care. Hug yourselves for me xoxo