Willi is on his way home. Just in time to get cracking on the Meals on Heels Menu prep tomorrow. Sounds like he had a great time and is already talking about finding another time to go up. His mom and dad have a sailboat and spend a lot of the time in summer sailing up and down the Washington coast… sounds pretty idyllic!
I had a good day… lots to do this morning for the Wednesday deliveries but got my butt down to meditate first. I am really trying to get that in first thing. It just doesn’t happen unless I make it my first priority of the day. Had a doozy of a time with the pasta today but finally got the three orders I needed out. I know it will get easier, and that Willi has had years of practice. I also know that it was much easier for me not to get too frustrated when I was all alone here. Even when it got hard, at least the only one here to watch my attempts was me. I compensated by making more than I actually needed so that I had plenty of noodles to choose from. I am sure that soon I will find it much easier to get them looking pretty, but I am glad the master is coming home and he can do it for a while!
Tomorrow is big prep day, but I am pretty organized. Have the garabonza beans soaking to make the hummus, cake ingredients all set up… should be a busy but (fingers crossed) calm day.
The Meals on Heels menu is now available on our site. If any one is interested in ordering directly for either pick up or delivery in SF, check it out on our site www.marthaaveneufood.com
Regular menu orders for Friday should be placed by tonight or tomorrow morning
Alright, I am going to go pick up the living room a bit and take a shower before bed. Willi should be rolling into town by midnight… hopefully I can stay awake to greet him!
Sending lots of love out to everyone. Especially to those who are fighting big battles and could use some extra healing vibes. I wish I could invite you all over for a big dinner, games and maybe a sing along. We could all use it. Sleep well. Give your body some extra love. Hug yourselves for me. Xoxo