Another hot one. I hope that some of you are enjoying this heat, because this girl is just melty.
Got out of bed late… woke too early and just got caught up in the scrolling game. Finally got myself up and down the stairs to get the bread started. I guess there is SOME good in the heat. The Anadama Bread perked right up, all bubbly yeast and smelling great. What wasn’t quite so great was the hours of the oven on, but at least I was able to keep the door open while it was still cool out.
Had a stop in San Rafael and then headed out to Pt Reyes to deliver there. Pretty intense that the fire there is STILL going… almost 3 weeks now with really no end any time soon, despite the fact that they have 85% containment. When I was driving down Olema hill I could see at least a half a dozen big active plumes on the east side of the ridge, with lots more smoke coming up over the top from the west. From my mom’s house you could see a big plume up over towards Sky Camp… way too close for my comfort. While I was there, Fiona (who lives up on my mom’s property and works for the National Park) came by to let her know that they were going back to a Red Flag Warning because of the temperatures and the windy conditions. Convinced my mom to spend the next couple nights at Jackie’s house, just to be on the safe side. Made me feel a lot better to know that she isn’t up there on the ridge.
My early morning caught up with me as I drove home, although I had great company listening to a recording of a play reading that I missed last week. Such brilliant folks. Proud to be among their number! Home to make a little pasta for Calum, a plate of veggies and leftover shrimp for me and some other leftover things for Willi. Just to keep it real and let you know that it’s not all fancy Tri-tip and S’Mores cake. Some nights we just raid the fridge like anyone else.
Willi surprised me with some printed photos that we had taken in the last year. Our first anniversary (or 2nd…depending on how we count) is tomorrow. First anniversary of stepping into this relationship. First anniversary of whatever portal was available to both of us to be open to allowing love in. Even through we both carry baggage and habits and patterns from our pasts. Even though on the surface, or in the eyes of mainstream society, it might not seem like an obvious match. Even though it is really fucking hard to trust in love when you know how it hurts when things go bad.
But here we are. A year (or two) in. And still liking each other. Still enjoying practically 24/7 together. Still functioning as business partners as well as romantic partners. Coming back together when things feel hard, and finding ways to heal old hurts and forge new, hopefully healthier patterns. Still working on making all that baggage into a matching set of luggage. Here’s to the next phase of the journey, wherever that may take us.
Tomorrow evening we are going to splurge on lobster rolls and go sit by the ocean to celebrate. And then we will get back to work on Wednesday with our regular deliveries (order by tomorrow morning for pick up or delivery to SF and East Bay) and with prep for this week’s Meals on Heels. You can order directly from Oasis for that… or through our site for our regular menu.
Sending good thoughts out to all of you. For love and peace and safety. And some nice cold drippy fog to dampen the fires. Give yourselves a big hug from me. Xoxo