MARTHA AVENUE-Day 11- Orders for Friday delivery taken until tomorrow morning. Let us know what you'd like for your Friday and weekend dinners!
This week, the food was celebrated in Haiku form...not one, but TWO Haiku. Thank you, Kevin for the praise and the poetry. I reprint it here with the author's permission😆 :
Martha Avenue
A tasty silver lining
In this quarantine
Heavenly Ragu
A natural for Haiku
Lovingly prepared
It's so interesting how this strange time seems to have me vacillating between horrible-awful-no-good days where I feel grumpy and jumpy and sad... so sad... to days where I am so grateful for the silliest little things that I go about my day singing out loud and talking to my appliances and the baby vegetable plants in our budding Victory garden.
Today felt like a good day. I think the two hour soak in my outdoor bathtub last night helped a lot. As did the offer from Jamye to use their oven to finish the orders for today. And the sunshine. And the fact that I put on a shirt with flowers on it this morning. And got up before anyone else to clean the kitchen for the upcoming flour onslaught, organize the bags and boxes for today's orders, and prep the potatoes for the gnocchi. Willi does so much of the heavy lifting cooking wise, it felt good to get things prepped and ready for the day. Indigo Girls radio didn't hurt either. And did I mention the sunshine? Even over in my neck of the SF woods, it was a lovely morning.
I am getting better at rolling out the gnocchi. Today's little pillows were pronounced "delicate and tender". It was another good part of the day to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, making delicious little morsels to send out into the world. Comforting and satisfying. To make as well as to eat!
This afternoon, I made a delivery run to Walnut Creek to bring food to some of my favorite folks who I have known since way back to the Willows Theatre days, got to talk theatre with a very savvy 3 1/2 year old (Hi, Eleanor!), take sourdough starter presents to a couple of dear friends, steal some sage from Sharon's gorgeous garden, and then tonight, led a zoom audition masterclass for 42nd Street Moon, where I got to talk about the early days of Moon, my feelings about auditions and this new world of video submissions for EVERYTHING and how I like my rehearsal rooms to feel. It was great to see so many lovely theatre community friends... I miss them all so much.
But for now... we cook. Tomorrow we make a fresh batch of the Nettle-Wild Onion-Walnut pesto and the delicious Ragu, which makes the house smell like Italian Granny Heaven.
Menu for Friday is below. Orders can be emailed to or texted to 415-205-7365. Looking forward to feeding you some of this delicious food-love!
Stay safe. Hug your people. Be kind to yourself xoxo