Easy delivery day, easy prep day, easy laughter day. Sometimes we drive each other crazy and sometimes we have terrible days where we just rub each raw. But someday are funny and lovely and easy. I like those days best. Obvi.
Did a few more test cinnamon rolls to get some practice in before we start selling them on Wednesday, baked up a batch of biscuits to fulfill an order today, ran to the store for a few needed items and to the cake supply store for more cake board. Willi did some test recipes for some upcoming Meals on Heels menus and made a fresh batch of Tagine for today's orders. I did a few deliveries in the city and a couple of pick ups sorted. Brian and his friend came by sporting crazy good masks... I think we will make this bearable by making it fun.
The two in-town deliveries were another in a series of gift vouchers that folks are sending to friends and loved ones. I love this trend. Nothing says nurturing care than providing a meal for someone... and we used to be able to just invite someone over for a cup of tea or lunch. Now that is all so complicated especially for folks who are elderly or immune-compromised. But this way, having us provide meals and deliver them hands-free, gloved and masked, means that the nurturing care can still happen. And some of the folks who are providing meals to friends are doing so as a surprise, which is also fun! I've decided that I am going to waive any delivery fee for gift vouchers for the rest of July. That effectually means that folks will have more funds to spend on food. And I love the boost to good will.
After the in-town folks were taken care of, Willi and I hopped in the car and zipped up to Pt Reyes to drop an order off for Matt and Sharron, and then met Kristen and Zavier at the beach... a rendezvous to give them their order and sneak in an outdoor visit. It was too windy-cold to get me to swim, but it felt good to see her and to get to be outdoors by the water.
We grabbed sandwiches from IP and headed home. A quick shower to warm up and a cup of tea and a cat on my lap. Happy. A few moments to catch up with all of you and then Willi is going to read a bit to me... and I think, I dont even have to be cleaning the kitchen while he does!!
Enjoy your night too.
Sleep well. Take good care of your body and soul. Be kinder than necessary. Remember that a cup of tea or a cat on your lap helps more than you can imagine. Hug yourselves for me xoxo