No post yesterday. Just the amplification of black voices and related articles. Willi and I spent most of the day yesterday vacillating between rage and tears about the state of this country, as we prepped for today's orders. It felt like it was the right thing to let my ramblings have a day off. It all feels so strange and surreal and really really real. The good news of the arrest of all four officers involved feels surreal. And it feels very strange to try to continue to talk about the minutia of my little life when there is such important upheaval happening around the country. And yet, I know that it's the sacred mundane that needs to get us through as we work and strive, educate ourselves and our kids, and push for a better world. And so, I am going to try to keep writing this little journal. Partly for myself, partly for the folks who have reached out to tell me that my words are giving them context and comfort. Partly, because a new, better world will include all the 'regular' challenges of life and it helps to know that others are facing them too. I will continue to do my best to amplify black voices, to send money to organizations fighting and supporting those who are fighting for a better world, and to work to keep learning, keep UN-learning, keep compassion and love flowing.
The fact that we have now been doing this for two solid months almost slipped by without note. Up early to get two special order cakes assembled, Anadama bread risen, crumbles made, boxes packed, deliveries organized. Had the pleasure of delivering a birthday dinner and special cake to Jennifer, courtesy of her sister who lives across the country but wanted to do something nice for a birthday surprise. Got to have a quick chat with Joe, and with Jim Haire and his partner Tim, met up with Bryan to do a trade of cake for a delicious Japanese curry he made and dropped off dinner to a couple of new customers. Then I delivered to Kat, who had a special present for me... a darling cross-stich wall-hanging of MARTHA AVENUE, such a sweet thoughtful gift!
Next up was a drop off for Nancy...didn't get to actually talk with her, but got to see all sorts of fantastic views getting to her place. This Bay Area is really remarkable. I have lived here most of my life, and I STILL find wonderful new neighborhoods, areas of the cities, places that I never really thought of. Today the journey took me from the hills above Berkeley across the ridge to the hills of El Cerrito. Who knew that El Cerrito had such SPECTACULAR views! Some of those neighborhoods are these funky 60's tract homes... like straight out of season 7 of Mad Men. So fun.
A good visit with Brady and Alexandra. So good to see them. In some ways, I am actually seeing more of some people than I have in years. Between the zoom groups, game nights and my delivery route, I am being a veritable social butterfly. And for someone who errs towards hermit-ing regularly, its pretty impressive.
It was getting late as I headed out 80 to 4 to Martinez to see Deborah and then on to Walnut Creek to see Becky. So strange to see the Lesher Center all boarded up. I was heartened by how many BLM supportive signs I saw all through the downtown Walnut Creek area. Becky was having a rare moment alone without kids and we had a little meeting of the Becky-Cindy Mutual Admiration Society (distanced) on her front yard. I adore that girl. Always have. Always will.
Home before curfew and got to spend an hour distant visiting with Matthew. So glad that we are neighbors. If he can't be my boss anymore, at least we get to be friends.
Weird to be alone in the house (although I do have Jamye and Chrisdownstairs). Willi headed up to the mountains to get a head start on foraging for more mushies, and my kid is at his dad's house. I think this is the first time I have been alone in the house in over 3 months. It is VERY quiet here. Trying to decide if I am going to follow Willi up to the mountains on Friday or if I should just clean the house really well and get organized for our THIRD month in business. The house is it's usually "delivery day wreck" but I am tired and going to fill myself with a Korean-style rib stew that Willi left for me and hit the sack. The dishes and flour-dusted flour will be there for me in the morning. Unless the dish-fairy shows up... Brady? How did you get the dish-fairy to visit you?
Friday menu is below. Order for Friday (SF pick-up and delivery) should be placed by tonight.
Sending out thoughts of strength, safety and justice to the black community and my dear friends within it. Holding the hope and commitment to do everything I can to be and do better. Take care of yourselves. Love your body, be gentle on your mind, cherish and encourage your tenderest heart. Drink extra water, get a little extra sleep. Hug yourself for me. xoxo