Rather an easy day today. Got a nice walk in at the park while the bread was rising, and then did a little testing of the new strawberry tartes. Willi jarred up the Pomodoro sauce that had been simmering all night. That sauce is crazy good. It's ostensibly a simple marinara sauce, but his care and technique turn the simple ingredients into something extraordinary. And makes the house smell like an Italian heaven.
Fridays are a little simpler because I only do SF deliveries. We had a couple pick ups too. It was so good to see Carey and Lexie, and Julia! Feels so good to connect with people who really understand and feel some of the things I am feeling... loss, grief, uncertainty... and who are also hoping and praying to the theatre gods that we get to get back into a theatre someday.
Quiet night at home tonight working on masks...keeping busy and trying not to worry. Sometimes that is easier said than done. For now, I am going to just do the things that are in front of me, and try not to guess what tomorrow brings.
Monday is SF and North Bay delivery day. Orders for Monday should be placed by Saturday evening. You can either go through the new website (www.marthaavenuefood.com) or email me at cindygoldfield@gmail.com or text to 415-205-7365. We would be so happy to make you some nutritious love in a jar!
Take good care. Be kinder than necessary. Find ways to love yourself even harder. Hug your people and hug yourself for me. xoxo