Quiet day around Martha Avenue. Willi was off in the mountains hunting morels again, so I busied myself making masks for the folks who have asked and for some who haven't but I know could use them.
Had my weekly check-in call with the CAROL group... it felt really good to laugh. Sometimes we talk about serious world-problem type stuff, but today we also had a good laugh. The kind where you have to wipe tears away. And you can see the rest of the group losing it too. Good way to start the day
Next I went to the Farmers' Market for the first time in a while. It's so very different now, with lines to be served, instead of picking the produce yourself, and none of the music, kids playing, folks greeting each other stuff that is usually part of the Farmers' Market, but it still felt very good to see all the gorgeous produce and walk out with my bag heavy with greens and a huge box of strawberries to use in the tartes.
Also had a little tech meeting with Jim to prep for the Zoom performance on Monday. It's such a new world we are living and performing in now. I realized this morning that I think part of the reason that I have been so uninterested in watching television shows or movies or whatever right now, is that I am scared. Scared of not being able to make this transition. Scared that, like so many of us who are having to make this shift, I won't be able to figure out how to self-tape auditions or show myself decently through technology. I have never been a person who felt comfortable with technology and have always joked (or been totally serious) that I think computers should work like Kleenex... just simple and there and ready when you need it, without needing a lot to figure out. Now, we HAVE to figure stuff out if we want to be part of it. And that is scary. And then I try to remind myself that I CAN figure things out, if I give myself a chance and the space and quiet and time to do so.
Today, Jim made things feel doable and simple enough for me to figure out for Monday. And maybe, I will figure things out enough to get an audition together someday. Right now, I have a really really hard time believing that we are going to be able to get back into a theatre by the end of this year. I HOPE we do, but I don't feel confident about it. And I wonder (like everyone else) what that does to company's seasons. Do they all get pushed back? Do some get pushed back and some get cancelled? So much depends on rights and the endless dance of the royalty companies etc.... and then everything just feels uncertain again.
I am grateful that I get to play with Playground on Monday. As one of my first artistic homes here in the Bay Area, it feels like a safe place to learn new things. And so, I will try to push the scared-ness away and give myself the benefit of the doubt.
For tonight, here's a couple of mushroom pics Willi sent from the woods. If anyone wants more morels this week, we will have enough to share. $15/half a pound. Monday's menu is below. Orders for SF and North Bay deliveries, and pick up, should be placed by tonight or tomorrow morning.
Enjoy the gorgeous weather, sit in the sun (even if it's a window) and let yourself rest a bit. Be kind to your body. Hug your people. Hug yourself for me.xoxo