MARTHA AVENUE-Day 27- Four weeks tomorrow. We are getting to be a finely oiled machine. Today was a rare regroup day... the one day in the week where we are not prepping for the following day's pick up/deliveries, so it ends up being the one day that we can give the rest of the house a decent cleaning. The kitchen, of course, gets cleaned daily... sometimes twice a day, on pasta days. The flour just gets everywhere. Ev-rey-where.
I woke today feeling a bit grumpy (the anticipation of cleaning house always does that to me) but my mood was much lifted by a zoom call with Domenique and Sharon and Leslie and Karen and Nancy and Dick. We had a round-robin of how everyone was, watched Sharon's darling granddaughter be darling, laughed at Nancy's stories of bananas and celebrities and I felt much better after the call.
Spent a little time down the garden admiring our pea plants and the baby carrots coming up... made a token pass at Intl Naked Gardening Day (a very token pass... it was cold and windy!) and then finally got myself to the housework. It always takes too long for my patience, but here we are 7pm and I am finally done. Kitchen floor washed, everything dusted, bed linens washed and changed. Time now to write and wind down for the evening.
The oven was acting up again.... too many hours roasting pork yesterday?... so I ended up roasting the butternut squash and sweet potatoes in my little catering oven earlier today. Got the soup started and simmering on the stove, to be finished tomorrow. It smells comforting.
Thinking I just might get some pots of water and make a nice hot tub outside. Even if the air is cold and drizzly the tub is always nice and restorative.
Willi will be making a big pot of the Potato-Wild Onion Soup tomorrow to be ready for Monday. The soup is vegan, but today, Becky told me that she added bacon to their order from last week. Willi wholeheartedly cheered that decision, and added that some sour cream and cheese (vegan or otherwise) would turn a bowl of that into a Loaded Potato soup. Food for thought and a nice option for folks who have differing dietary needs/desires. One could have it as is, vegan, and the other could load theirs up with bacon and cheese and sour cream! The soup is a gorgeous spring green from the wild onions and delicious any way you serve it. We even used a bit of it as a sauce for homemade potato-lemon-pecorino ravioli with fresh fava beans one night last week.
Monday is our next delivery/pick up day, with North Bay delivery as well. Orders for Monday should be in by tomorrow morning. Let us know what we can make for you!
Happy Three Week Anniversary MARTHA AVENUE. Thank you for giving us something to keep us busy and feeling useful and bringing love and good food to the community!
Take good care of yourselves... it's been a long haul already and we have a bit more of this to go. Be kind to yourself and to the folks you come in (distanced) contact with. Remember that everyone is( at the very least) low-level scared of what the world is going to be. Some of us are having more trouble riding through it than others. Hug your people. Hug yourself and pretend it's from me. xoxo