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Special Order Cakes!
$45.00 - $54.00
All fresh ingredients, custom fillings and icings. Perfect for special occasions of all kinds! Quarantine Wedding, anyone?
6" cake serves 4-6, 8" cake serves 6-10
6" cake serves 4-6, 8" cake serves 6-10
Coming soon
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Cindy's Musings
Thoughts, ponderments, and ruminations.
September 17, 2020Smokers and Caregivers and Migraines, oh my. Well, we finally bit the bullet and bought our own smoker. It is this large black grill-like thing that looks like a little steam engine, like the ones up at Tilden Park. My kids (and I) used to love those little steam engines so much. I remember Jack...September 14, 2020Took a couple days off of writing and it is always a hard thing to jump back on the wagon. As in SO many things. The last couple weeks have been so filled with sadness and loss and worry. Sometimes, I find it hard to write about the really really hard stuff. Even though I know that writing about...September 8, 2020Another hot one. I hope that some of you are enjoying this heat, because this girl is just melty. Got out of bed late… woke too early and just got caught up in the scrolling game. Finally got myself up and down the stairs to get the bread started. I guess there is SOME good in the heat. The...September 3, 2020Whew! Jumped back in with both feet into the deep end last night. Our trip home was relatively smooth, although I did have one melt down and needed to pull over for a 15 minute nap. We ended up leaving Seattle and our quickie visit to Willi’s brother and sister-in-law and the new nephew, early...September 15, 2020Ridiculously early, AM. I have had trouble with insomnia since I was in my early thirties. At the time, it made sense. I had just left a marriage and struck out on my own, determined to have the life and career that I had wanted for myself. For the first time in my life I was living alone (albeit...September 12, 2020The end of a long very sad day. Our community lost a very bright light today. Miss Peggy L’Eggs, Matthew Simmons, left us way too soon, way too suddenly. He was a fearless performer, generous actor, open-hearted friend and insanely gorgeous and talented. I was always so thrilled to be able to...September 10, 2020s it time to get out our locust traps? What the hell… the sky today was so dark and yellow and spooky. Really really unnerving and disorienting. Woke stupid early and went downstairs around 4am… laid down on the couch to see if I could settle my worried brain and fell back asleep for a bit. Woke...September 7, 2020First the local news, then the Washington Post, the NY Times and The Getty and People, and to add to the list, CNN! https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/06/us/meals-on-heels-drag-trnd/index.html So thrilled that we get to be a part of Meals on Heels!September 6, 2020I hope you are finding some quiet and peace and cool temperatures wherever you are. Today it was over 90 here in SF… not my fav. It’s been a busy few days since we returned from the Pacific Northwest. We got home on Tuesday night and jumped right into cooking. It was nice to see some new faces...September 1, 2020To celebrate our 150th day, here’s a little link to the interview about Meals on Heels that we provide the food for... in the WASHINGTON POST! https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/08/31/drag-queens-deliver-home-cooked-dinners-part-san-francisco-clubs-meals-heels-service/?fbclid=IwAR20SgzIu0...More Posts
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